Please watch the video below from Bishop Sweeney on the return to in-person Mass that begins next weekend (June 5-6, 2021). Here are some key points regarding the return to Mass:
For all of those in good health, the dispensation from the obligation to participate in Sunday Eucharist is lifted effective on the Vigil of the Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ, June 5, 2021.
Those who are particularly vulnerable to the coronavirus who are not vaccinated (and especially those with underlying medical conditions) may follow Mass at home via the livestream. (St Jude will continue live streaming)
A person with a cough or fever of any kind should not take part in Mass in-person.
All who are healthy and who do not regularly come in contact with those who have serious underlying medical conditions are encouraged to take part in Mass in-person.
Occupancy restrictions for social distancing purposes are lifted (Executive Order of the Governor, 242 – May 24, 2021). Masks are not required for those who are vaccinated.
The Precious Blood in the chalice will not be made available
You are encouraged to bring hand sanitizer to use before the reception of Holy Communion
You are encouraged to receive Holy Communion in the hand. Those who wish to receive Holy Communion on the tongue may be asked to receive at the conclusion of the Communion Procession