Liturgical music is a necessary part of each liturgy making it more beautiful. In the Catholic Church, organs are the primary instrument to provide music in our churches. Any other instrument takes second place on the ladder of liturgical instruments. In our church, we have a beautiful organ that was used often during different liturgies. Unfortunately, this instrument that has served this church for so many years, is no longer in working condition. That is due to age, and many broken parts.
As a pastor, I involved two independent companies to see what our options were, and how we can improve the liturgical music in our church. The cost of repairing the organ is beyond our abilities, and with every year that passes, its condition gets worse. Moreover, the cost of fixing the organ is not proportionate to its quality.
After carefully discerning and meditating over all the options, I concluded that the only and best option for our church is to replace the organ with a good quality professional electronic organ.
An electric organ is a better and more affordable alternative that should last us for decades without servicing. It is also the last chance to do it at an affordable price, as we see a spike in the price of building materials, and the cost of labor and energy. The project of removing the pipe organ and buying an electronic one is $25,000. Saint Jude needs to renovate the choir loft and bring it to its former glory. That’s why I ask you to support this cause and beg for donations to buy this instrument to make our liturgies more beautiful. This instrument is going to be with us for generations, making you proud to attend such a marvelous church. We will renovate the choir loft and place the organ up in the loft.
Each second and fourth Weekend, the second collection will be an opportunity to donate money toward buying the instrument. Perhaps if you can, you can add a few more dollars in the second collection on those weeks, and would be greatly appreciated.
One more request, if you have pictures of the choir loft from the time before the pipe organ was installed (before 1988), please share them with me.
God Bless You for your generosity and support to Saint Jude.