Hand-crafted Cheese Steak Sandwiches from the Saint Jude Knights of Columbus, Sunday November 6th. $15 pre-order by 4-Nov and save. Pick up sandwiches on November 6th from 12 noon to 2 PM in the Parish Center. For more information and online ordering see HERE.
Big thanks to anyone who help us preparing this great event. Many thanks for Fundraising Committee, The Rosary & Altar Society, Knights of Columbus, The Stompin' Sue Line Dancing, and many people, who helped us during October Fest 2022.
Congratulations to Jimmy O'Brien for receiving the Vivere Christus award. This award is given to a person who helps in the parish in a special way, being a role model and a leader for a parish community. This year we wanted to distinguish Jimmy O'Brien in recognition for many years of service at Saint Jude and contributing to our parish family in so many ways that it is difficult to list. Jimmy, thank you, and may God give you strength and blessings to continue on leading the… See more
2022-10-25: *** Only covered outdoor spaces remain available. No Power or Wall Space options.*** Our annual Holiday Craft Fair returns in November. Please mark your calendar for Saturday November 12, from 10 AM to 4 PM . Vendors:Registration is now open. See HERE for full details. Get our Flyer HERE